2022-23 BEDS Day Information
The Basic Educational Data System (BEDS) Institutional Master File (IMF) application for Public School Districts and Schools, Charter Schools, BOCES and Nonpublic Schools will be available via the IRS Data Exchange (IDEx) on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, and must be submitted by Friday, November 18, 2022.
For reference this link
http://www.p12.nysed.gov/irs/beds/IMF/home will provide more information to the complete BEDS documents for both public and nonpublic schools. If possible, review it to familiarize yourself with it prior to BEDS day so that you can be prepared if asked to complete it.
Please note question 7, [provided below] is related to public schools. There are no BEDS questions related to library for nonpublic schools.
Below is some general information that may be necessary for providing 2021-23 BEDS information
*** Districts that participate in the Library Automation CoSer, will be receiving additional BEDS information from the Follett Coordinator.
NOVELNY database subscriptions =16
Britannica Digital Learning
Britannica Academic
Britannica Escolar
Britannica School
Gale Cengage Learning
Academic One File with InfoTrac Collections
Business Insights: Essential
Computer Database
Educators Reference Complete
Expanded Academic ASAP
General OneFile with InfoTrac Collections
General Reference Center Gold
Health Reference Center Academic
Informe Académino
InfoTrac Newsstand
Kids Info Bits
Opposing ViewPoints in Context
Research in Context
subscriptions purchased by the Erie 1 BOCES School Library System office
Ebook collection he full membership=1
1. Ebook subscriptions [total 255 **please see the note with each eBook collection]
Gale e-Book subscription =177 ebooks
[**NOTE: Please only use the number cataloged in the automation system catalog for the ebook count. 177 accounts for all K-12 level titles]
Rosen ebooks subscription =63 ebooks
[**NOTE: Please only use the number cataloged and processed in the automation system catalog for the ebook collection count]
Mitchell Lane ebook subscription =10 ebooks
[**NOTE: Please only use the number cataloged and processed in the automation system catalog for the ebook collection count]
epoint ebook subscription =31 ebooks
[**NOTE: Please only use the number cataloged and processed in the automation system catalog for the ebook collection count]